About Us

RMMRU a center for evidence-based research and grassroots action. Since its inception in 1995, RMMRU has worked diligently to illuminate the potential of migration to initiate pro-poor growth and poverty reduction in South Asia. By cooperating with regional and global organizations, RMMRU continues to facilitate collaborative research that effectively integrates and links global migration discourse with regional grassroots programs in order to identify and eradicate the key issues affecting Bangladeshi migrants. RMMRU’s strong tie to local migration programs and role as an academic leader in migration discourse continues bridging the gap between scholars and grassroots trailblazers. Subsequently, RMMRU plays a key part in the development of effective and relevant training programs and workshops for potential migrants and migration-centered grassroots NGOs in Bangladesh. Additionally, RMMRU has engaged in over fifty primary research studies on refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless people, labour migrants and diaspora communities. These studies have not only contributed to the development of more effective programs, but have also significantly shaped migration policy in Bangladesh. Through ongoing programs, media campaigns, and research projects, RMMRU hopes to promote the idea that a well-governed and informed migration system will reduce poverty and benefit both receiving and sending regions and that migration is an important livelihood strategy to move out of poverty.


To be the premier resource centre on migration, refugee, statelessness, trafficking and displacement issues in South Asia, upholding the international standards of rights.


1. Promote evidence based research on contribution of migration in achieving sustainable development goals.

2. Empowerment of migrant workers and the left behind members of their families, climate induced migrants, refugees, stateless and displaced people and help them develop their own organization at the grassroots.

3. Ensure regular migration by providing information and training to migrants and aiding the policy making process.

4. Prepare future leaders for ensuring good governance in migration by imparting right based training.

5. Ensure access to accountability of private and public service providers and access to justice to the target population.

6. Establish network of academics and activists for policy advocacy at national, regional and global levels.

RMMRU works to illuminate the capacity of migration to initiate pro-poor growth and poverty reduction in South Asia